A patient’s initial visit will typically last sixty minutes. The chiropractor will take a thorough case history including a free consultation regarding your symptoms, past medical history and general health. If chiropractic treatment is not appropriate for your condition, you will be referred to a GP or a relevant specialist. However if chiropractic care appropriate the consultation can be followed up with examination and the first treatment straight away.
A physical examination will be conducted in order to establish the cause of your pain and to consider previous problems that may be linked. The examination will consist of neurological and orthopaedic tests, as well as specific chiropractic procedures and a postural analysis. X-rays may be requested if medically indicated.
Once the examination is complete, you will be given a report with a diagnosis and full explanation of your condition as well as a treatment plan.
Chiropractic treatment consists of a variety of gentle manipulation – called an adjustment – to the stiffened and locked joint, typical in the spine but also to other joints such as the elbow and knee. The aim is to correct any misalignment, increase mobility and function and remove nerve and disc irritation. The chiropractor may also do some work on the surrounding soft tissue – the muscles – by stretching, massaging and applying ice. Chiropractic treatment never involves drugs or surgery.
Acute conditions are usually treated twice the first week, whilst chronic conditions usually require treatment once during the first week. Further treatment is carried out until the symptoms have settled and full function has returned.
Once the original condition has settled there is a choice: whether to stop the treatment until the next bout of symptoms (called reactive care), or to adopt a regular maintenance programme (proactive care). The maintenance check-up may be every two to four months, depending on the initial problem and patient’s general health.
Clapham Chiropractic Clinic very much believes in ongoing wellness care.
The chiropractic adjustment generally does not hurt but some patients may experience some mild discomfort after the first treatment, particularly if the area is already inflamed.
Research has shown Chiropractic, in conjunction with an exercise program, works most effectively with both chronic and recurring conditions.
The aim of the rehabilitation exercises is multi-purpose;
- to stretch the shortened muscles,
- restore or increase muscular strength and endurance,
- increase joint mobility and flexibility,
- improve posture.
These exercises are often given for you to do at home in order to prevent your condition returning.
Yoga and Pilates classes are also available on site – please ask for details.